Monolith-ifying perfectly good microservices
Intercom mostly runs on a majestic Ruby on Rails monolith, however we also have a bunch of standalone services that serve some critical important customer facing functionality. Over the last few years we have replaced a number of these services through re-implementing them back inside our Rails monolith. This talk will cover the reasons why these services existed in the first place, why we felt the need to move them into our monolith, whether the moves back into the monolith were successful and what we learned along the way. Oh and which parts of Ruby on Rails helped or hindered us too!
- 15:45 - 16:15
- 6th October 2023
- Track 2
Session Speaker
Brian Scanlan
Senior Principal Systems Engineer, Intercom
Brian is a Senior Principal Systems Engineer in Intercom’s Dublin office. He fixes problems, builds things and grows people.